My Story:

My passion for photography began at a young age with my Dad using various film, digital, and video cameras to document my childhood. As I grew older I became my Dad's little assistant; I would learn how to use his film camera to take landscapes or assist in an impromptu portrait session of my younger brother. I remember bugging my dad to buy me a disposable camera or Polaroid so I could experiment outside taking photos.

High school graduation was when I received my first "big girl" camera and I began traveling and taking landscape photos. You'd be surprised to hear that initially I was never interested in taking photos of people. The idea of having to direct poses while figuring out how to make your creative vision come to life seemed so daunting. All of that changed when one of my best friends Korrina was getting married and needed a photographer.

Korrina loved my work as a landscape artist and asked me to photograph her wedding and I'll be honest; my initial response was "oh heck no!" After some convincing I decided to believe in myself but knew it would require a lot of practice beforehand. Months before her wedding I asked just about everyone I knew to do a free session with me so I could practice how I would pose and direct my clients. The adrenaline rush, excitement, and emotion of Korrina's wedding day convinced me that I wanted to learn more about portrait photography than what I initially set out to do so I jumped in and went for it!

After many years of practice, education courses, and client referrals my small business continues to flourish and develop. This journey has been the most rewarding one yet and somedays its hard to believe that I am able to be creative and truly do what I've been passionate about since I was little.

Whether it be your wedding day or a family session, I will always give you direction to make you feel comfortable and confident (of course, only the good angles) while I capture these once in a lifetime memories. Just how every person in the world is unique; every session is different and catered to your individual story and emotion during that season of your life. The same moment can never be captured twice and it is always beautifully and uniquely you.

So are you ready to go on this journey with me? I can't wait to meet you!


& to the ones that believed in me before I ever believed in myself...thank you a million times over for showing me that I am capable of being more than a landscape photographer.